Program Overview
The Courtroom Boot Camp for attorneys is an intensive two-day program for attorneys who present and cross-examine expert witnesses.
Attendees will be guided and critiqued by our experienced faculty of attorneys and experts. The program will focus upon strategies for the persuasive presentation of expert witnesses and effective cross-examination of opposing experts.
As we focus upon the opposing expert we will explore ways to attack an expert’s credibility through challenge of credentials, assumptions, and foundation. The Boot Camp will be culminated with live mock trial segments during which each attorney will have the opportunity to present and cross-examine experienced experts, and be critiqued by our seasoned faculty members.
Upon completion of the program, attendees will be able to:
- Understand and apply the legal parameters relating to expert witnesses.
- Apply preparation and presentation strategies to maximize the credibility and persuasiveness of your own expert witnesses.
- Strategically depose expert witnesses designated by opposing counsel.
- Recognize and control defensive tactics employed by seasoned experts.
- Control the problematic and evasive expert.
- Understand the communication concepts and dynamics that facilitate expert presentation and persuasion of judges and jurors.
- Strategically incorporate expert witnesses into the theme of the matter.
Please contact us about
future programs
Courtroom Boot Camp for Attorneys is approved for
14.00 Illinois MCLE general credit hours